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It takes a tribe

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.” “Because there's one thing stronger than magic: sisterhood.”- Unknown

From the moment I stepped into the room, I saw a strong bond of sisters. You don't have to be related to be sisters, you just have to love hard. There is nothing more empowering than to have a band of sisters who are not competing but lifting each other up.

Erica is so blessed to be surrounded and deeply loved by so many sisters, Bryce Hunter will be in good hands. After all it takes a tribe, and Erica has a strong tribe.

I was simply hired to capture the baby shower, but I did manage to slip the mommy to be, out of the party, to sneak in a mini maternity session. Little did I know I would be called a few days later for a very creative maternity session.

I hope you enjoy the gallery as much as I enjoyed capturing them.

Mom to be: Erica Sealey

Photographer: Zai

Maternity Session that followed was done at ZaiPhotography studios at The Knowlton

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