First Wedding of the Decade

When Melissa called me the plan was to get married in August but this couple couldn't wait. Before I knew it I got the call that all the plans changed and they were getting married January 10, 2020.
The day was perfect! It was January and it was 50 degrees, slight overcast, which is a photographers dream come true and it was outside in downtown Milford in an adorable gazebo. As the bride got out of the car to prepare to walk to her groom, cars were honking and people were yelling, "Congratulations" or "You look beautiful". Everything that drives a smile on ones face. If I had to describe the atmosphere I would say all smiles with a dash of giggles.
With that said, let me introduce you to
Mr & Mrs Wallace.
Vendor Spotlight:
Bridal Flowers: Stop & Shop
Cake: ShopRite Bakery
Wedding Rings: Zales
Ceremony: The Milford Green Gazebo Broad Street Milford, CT. Reception: Intimate Dinner held by their close friends, Mrs. Joan Porier & Mr. Tom Reilly Justice Of the Peace: Mrs. Angela Capinera
Veil: Found on Etsy
Gown & Bridal shaw: David's Bridal Orange CT Shoes:
Junior bridesmaids attire
Dresses: Kohls, shoes & coats: David's bridal
The Wedding Party Matron on honor: Joan Porier Best Man: Tom Rielly SON: Devin Walsh Jr. Bridesmaids & daughters of the Groom: Raven & Raina Wallace Honeymoon: Aruba in the near future Share the love for this happy couple and share this gallery with friends and family. Or leave a comment for the happy couple.