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COMPlexions II

Morgan Spencer modeling for COMplexions session

Even with the downpour of rain so many people came out to the COMplexions show and I just want to say thank you for joining us. I know many of you saw the behind the scenes video of our session and have been patiently waiting to see the finished product. But before you scroll down to see the images I do want to share about one particular image in the show.

It's special to me:

I titled it God's image and let me explain why. Morgan came out to model and we had a great time with glitter and colored powder but when she got up from the floor this was the image left on the paper. It was so captivating I had to take a picture of it. Once home I sat at the computer and began editing. But the more I tried to design my image the more my mind kept wandering back to this one image . I knew God was trying to tell me something.

When I was in school I remember reading a book about a young girl who had a black mom and a white daddy. She was born light skinned and her mom told her she was going to have a better life because she was of a lighter complexion. But growing up she never really found her fit in the world. She wasn't accepted with the white community because she wasn't white enough and she wasn't accepted with the black community because she was not black enough. She felt like she had no sense of community. In reading this book I could identify with her because as a Puerto Rican girl born in Connecticut I was not not really accepted in the latin community because wasn't born on the island nor spoke spanish as eloquently as one. Then when on the island I was called a "gringa" because I was born in the states. There was no fit. So the book resonated with me and came to mind when I looked at this image. I knew the show was about honoring all the beautiful COMplexions of the world and I felt this image did just that. Because when I saw this image I felt God say,

"It's not about the color of your skin, it's about the color you leave on the world around you."

If you get a chance drop by the studio to see it, it really is impressive to see in person, and not because I took the photo, but because there is a powerful message behind it. It left me pondering about what color I was leaving on the world around me.

God's Image by ZaiPhotography

Complexions II is currently up at the Armstrong Gallery, 305 Knowlton Street Bridgeport, CT 06608.

Gallery hours this week only:
Monday, 4/29 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM Wednesday, 5/1 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM Thursday, 5/2 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Below is a small taste of what happened at the gallery this past Friday. If you missed it, I am so sorry, it really was an amazing event by amazing artist.

Special Thanks you

Morgan Spencer for modeling for the Complexion session and inspiring me.

Alicia Cobbs of Art Simplicated for thinking of me and getting me involved

Letif Belcher of Letif B Photo for inviting me to be apart of your team, it was truly an honor and you have inspired me in more ways than you know.

And 305 Knowlton for creating a safe space for creators to be creative.



Zaibel Torres


305 Knowlton Studio 7

Bridgeport CT


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