Pregnancy is not pretty
Its down right sexy!
" How can you ever say anything negative about your body after you have felt the dancing of life from inside" - Amethyst Joy
I think that should speak for itself. Its time for a momcation with Zai. This is Melanie, 21 years old and expecting her third little girl. Jealous much? Yea me too.

These photos were taken at 8pm last night in Melanie's bathroom with all the kids present. Some people think they need to make arrangements but really we can have fun and include the kids, I encourage it. As a matter of fact all the little girls present got their make up done by our amazing make up artist Rebecca Z Robles. There was too much giggling going on and I was loving it. And Melanie got to relax in a warm milk bath. (she will probably have a hard time getting rid of all that glitter but those are the prices we pay)
Beauty Begins the moment you decide to be yourself - Coco Chanel
I love girl time!
Now this might not be your cup of tea, and thats ok. But every mom needs a moment to feel like herself especially moms.
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Be blessed but more importantly be a blessing to others